Stiffel lamp is an original, created by talented designers and skilled artisans. A Stiffel lamp has a rare quality that transcends the strictly utilitarian and goes beyond the merely decorative.

John M. Lisa is a Certified Public Accountant in New York and New Jersey. He has a B.S. Degree with honors in Accounting from Saint Peter's College, and an MBA from New York University's Stern School of Business with a concentration in Taxation and Finance.

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Cutting Edge Industries is a diverse American manufacturing firm, specializing in a number of different core industries, including Lighting, Furniture, Funeral & Cremation, Awards & Promotional Products, Souvenirs and Giftware, as well as a number of other manufacturing segments.

Lexxel Funding is one of California's leading "Private Money " lenders specializing in real estate lending thru out California.

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